Swords of Iron

Training Arena

JReady Community Resilience Seminar

A 2- 4 days resilience seminar within a community or several regional communities that come together to train and build a crisis and emergency response capacity

Community Awareness Training, by EU CARE

Empower yourself to become a guardian of safety for yourself and your loved ones, including family, friends, and colleagues

Delivering bad news workshop

A 3- session workshop for professionals who are tasked with delievering bad news to community members

Resilience training in Israel

JReady offers delegations and missions visiting Israel, tailored resilience training for groups with itineraries varying from several hours to a few days

Professional volunteer management training

Enhance effective volunteerism and volunteer management in your community or organization with the expertise of the Israeli Volunteering Council and JReady

Online course- Antisemitism: From Its Origins to the Present

Join 50 leading scholars in exploring antisemitism, from its roots to its contemporary forms

Operational Stress Management Course

Introduction to operational stress management: A digital course to actualize self-care for first responders

Community Stress Prevention Center’s Training

A selection of training and courses, which can all be tailormade for your specific community and institution's needs

Community Emergency Managers Course

Short-Term Training for Professionals and Lay-Leaders
JReady | ERAN ENG, Mental Health Support and Suicide Prevention Hotline

Mental Health Support and Suicide Prevention Hotline

Establishing Mental Health Hotline

Tool Kit

The Six C’s Model


The 6 C's is a Mental First Aid protocol and training intended to be used by anyone to become a mental health first responder in a crisis...

Vivid- Practical Personal Growth App


The Vivid app offers concrete practice plans made by personal growth experts, tailored for you, for making meaningful lasting...

Soly AI


Soly Emotional Health pioneers a platform for trauma resilience, blending our Trauma-Resilience AI with compassionate care to unite therapists, clients, and communities...

AI monitoring tool by Fighting Online Antisemitism (FOA)


An external interface algorithm for social media implemented within FOA’s systems, empowering its trained volunteers to monitor, report, and eliminate nearly tenfold...

Report Hateful Content on Social Media


Encountered hateful content on social media? Our partners from Fighting Online Antisemitism will take care of...

JReady | Fundnation


Fundnation is an all-in-one donation management platform, designed to make running campaigns a seamless...

JReady | JEAP, Jewish Emergency App
JEAP – Jewish Emergency App


JEAP is the Jewish Emergency Application developed by the leading Jewish organizations in Victoria Australia - CSG and HATZOLAH. JEAP gives...

Expert Consultation

Jonathan (Yoni) Michanie

Research and Data Manager at Combat Antisemitism Movement

Jonathan (Yoni) is the Combat Antisemitism Movement's Research and Data Manager, an expert in the field of combatting antisemitism and a doctoral student in the...

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Barak Aharon

Monitoring Director at Fighting Online Antisemitism

Barak Has many years of competitive intelligence and open-source intelligence experience (OSINT). Working in various software companies in multiple roles such as sales...

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Tomer Aldubi

Founder and Executive Director of Fighting Online Antisemitism

Tomer is the founder and executive director of Fighting Online Antisemitism. Tomer lectures regarding cyberhate and various methods of monitoring online...

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Tzivy Reiter

Director, Children and National Trauma Services, Ohel

Tzivy directs Outpatient Mental Health, School-Based and Trauma services, and oversees implementation of evidence-based practice models across programs. Tzivy is a...

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Idit Michael

Head of Programming and Senior Mental Health Professional at Natal

Idit Michael, Head of Programming and Senior Mental Health Professional, NATAL Global. Former Chief Superintendent of the Mental Health Division of Israel’s Police,...

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Dr. Bruria Adini

head of the Department of Emergency Management and Disaster Medicine in the School of Public Health, Sackler Faculty of Medicine in the Tel Aviv University.

Dr. Adini is the head of the Department of Emergency Management and Disaster Medicine in the School of Public Health, Sackler Faculty of Medicine in the Tel Aviv...

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Raphael Herbst

International Relations Department Director, MDA

Raphael Herbst, is a senior paramedic and instructor at Magen David Adom. For 25 years, he treated patients out of MDA’s Jerusalem Region and now works out of the...

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Gilead Shenhar

Senior consultant in the Homeland Security arena

An expert in emergency and disaster response planning and management, multi-agency/multi-disciplinary operational response and risk communication and dealing with R&D in...

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Sima Vaknin-Gill

Brigadier General (res.)

Brig. Gen. (Res.) Sima Vaknin Gill former intelligence officer in the Israeli air force, the Chief Censor of the state of Israel and Director General of the Ministry of...

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Dr. Moshe Farchi

Expert in the fields of acute trauma, emergency mental health intervention, Psychological First Aid (PFA)

Dr. Moshe Farchi, PhD. is an expert in the fields of acute trauma, emergency mental health intervention, Psychological First Aid (PFA) and psychological inoculation,...

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Talya Levanon

CEO Israel Trauma Coalition

Ms. Levanon directs all of ITC’s initiatives by building collaborative partnerships that form the foundation of sustainable support for trauma victims both in Israel...

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Best Practices

Practice title
File Type
WZO Department of Irgoon and Israelis Abroad
WZO Department of Irgoon and Israelis Abroad


On October 7, 2023, at 6:30 in the morning, thousands of Hamas terrorists streamed into Israel from the Gaza Strip. Riding on vehicles and equipped with weapons, they infiltrated IDF bases, kibbutzim in the Gaza envelope, and the nearby towns. They murdered hundreds of citizens, raped women, looted and burned down homes, and kidnapped hundreds of children, women, soldiers and elderly Israelis to Gaza.

Hamas caught the State of Israel and the IDF off guard. The army pulled itself together quickly, and Israel declared war on Gaza, whose aims are to eradicate the Hamas government and its military capabilities and to bring the hostages home. Any way you look at them, the events have been unprecedented. The resulting shock waves and upheaval in Israel’s civil society and among Israelis and Jews worldwide have been some of the most difficult we have ever known.

The huge surge in antisemitic incidents, the media coverage, and the mass demonstrations against Israel across the globe have challenged everything we knew before and were familiar with. Questions relating to identity have emerged with great force.

Using videos, items from the press and websites, we have tried in this Beit Ha’am booklet to broaden the scope of the topic and raise basic and relevant questions.

We invite you to choose the sections that interest you the most and devote time and thought to them.

We also encourage you to hold a candid and open-minded discussion dealing with them.

The Jewish Agency's for Israel
The Jewish Agency's for Israel

Shlichut Institute

Shmini Atzert is noted in the Torah as a mitzvah – but without reason or explanation. On the eighth Shmini Shabbat, the end of the reading of the Torah (“Simchat Torah”) takes place.

The term “Atzeret” means a mass gathering of the people. We want to adopt the term “Shmini Atzeret” as the thematic Jewish framework to mark the anniversary of the October 7th Massacre: a call for a mass gathering of the entire
Jewish people in memory of the murdered and a prayer for hope and better days.

Shmini Atzeret is marked with the Kalanit or anemone; the ready-to-print sticker file is also below.

ANU: Museum of the Jewish People
ANU: Museum of the Jewish People

ANU: Museum of the Jewish People and the Weizman National Museum of American Jewish History convened select Israeli and American Jewish thought leaders to develop insights on two questions;

  1. What are the principles for transforming a Jewish tragedy into a memory that others value and meaning for generations?;
  2. How can we mark the first yahrzeit as a global Jewish people?

The thinking group embarked on this task, acknowledging that while much of the memory work is for generations to come, the current leadership has to play a role in the present.

The Jewish Agency for Israel
The Jewish Agency for Israel

The Shlichut Institute

This booklet, made by the Jewish Agency’s Shlichut Institute and translated by JReady, contains activities for commemorating the first anniversary of the Swords of Iron War to use by educators, teachers, parents, and counselors.

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WZO, JAFI, and the Ministry for Diapora Affairs
WZO, JAFI, and the Ministry for Diapora Affairs


2023 began with a gradual increase in antisemitic incidents of up to 10%, compared to 2022. This trend was maintained for the first nine months of the year (January-September). However, the events of October 7th and the war that ensued saw a dramatic increase in levels of antisemitism around the world, which resulted in all-time highs. The number of antisemitic incidents for the period between October and December increased six-fold, compared to the previous nine-month period. On a yearly basis, 2023 ended with a 235% increase in antisemitic incidents, compared to 2022, with 43% of monitored events occurring in the USA and 35% in Europe. This past year, violent antisemitic incidents sharply increased by 33%, compared to 2022, with 48% of these related to the Iron Swords war. Here, 46% of all antisemitic incidents took place in the USA, followed by Britain (16%), Germany (9%), France (6%), Canada (6%), Australia (2.5%).

The Department for Combatting Antisemitism and Enhacning Resilience at the WZO
The Department for Combatting Antisemitism and Enhacning Resilience at the WZO


On the morning of Saturday, 7th October 2023, the State of Israel was shaken to the core when Hamas terrorists waged an unprecedented and barbaric attack. At least 1,200 people were murdered, with an estimate of 20,000 injured by the end of 2024, and 240 having been taken hostage.

From mass murder to rape, torture, mutilation, and taking of hostages, every imaginable international law was completely violated by Hamas, including war crimes, attempted genocide, and crimes against humanity.
Hamas’ actions were universally condemned, including by the United States, Europe, and many leaders around the world.

This YouTube series provides a brief overview and seeks to answer some of the most commonly asked legal questions concerning the actions of Hamas and Israel’s response to the massacre of October 7th.

The Department for Combatting Antisemitism and Enhacning Resilience at the WZO
The Department for Combatting Antisemitism and Enhacning Resilience at the WZO


On the morning of Saturday, 7th October 2023, the State of Israel was shaken to the core when Hamas terrorists waged an unprecedented and barbaric attack. At least 1,200 people were murdered, with an estimate of 20,000 injured by the end of 2024, and 240 having been taken hostage.

From mass murder to rape, torture, mutilation, and taking of hostages, every imaginable international law was completely violated by Hamas, including war crimes, attempted genocide, and crimes against humanity.
Hamas’ actions were universally condemned, including by the United States, Europe, and many leaders around the world.

This document provides a brief overview and seeks to answer some of the most commonly asked legal questions concerning the actions of Hamas and Israel’s response to the massacre of October 7th.

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French   Spanish  


A traumatic event is a situation in which a person is exposed to a direct threat of death or
severe injury to themselves and/or their loved ones. Exposure to a traumatic event can occur
when the person is directly experiencing it or witnessing or learning that the event has
happened to a loved one. It can also occur when professionals – such as first responders,
police officers, and mental health professionals – are repeatedly exposed to aversive details of a
traumatic event. Traumatic events can lead to the development of an acute stress response
and, over time, even post-traumatic stress disorder.

War exposes entire populations to a prolonged state of imminent threat to life, in other words,
a “Continuous Traumatic Threat.” In this situation, the individual focuses on survival, self-preservation,
and safeguarding the immediate surroundings from the external threat.



We are all asking ourselves how to help, and provide the best care and support to people who experienced a traumatic shock. This presentation will support you, as a helper to provide the best care in the circumstances. In addition, our objective is to provide, structured guidance in our currently chaotic circumstances.

Visit EmotionAid for more information: https://emotionaid.com/ 


Does your heart beat fast in times of stress or crisis?
Does your breathing get shallower? Does your body tremble?
Do you feel confused, disoriented, anxious, panicky, or helpless?
These are natural reactions in times of stress. They can be calmed and changed on the spot by taking the 5 simple steps in this guide.

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Spanish   Ukranian   French  


As we embrace the spirit of Pesach, we’re reminded that true freedom and strength are rooted in knowledge and responsibility. This Pesach, let’s commit to looking out for one another and embracing these security guidelines.
EUCARE Fearless Together: www.eu-care.net https://learn.eu-care.net/
EUCARE: The Community Awareness Resilience Education (C.A.R.E.) for Europe project (EUCARE) is co-funded by the European Union through the Internal Security Fund.

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Italian   Dutch   Portugese   French  

Learn how to identify suspicious activity and danger and how to react in dangerous situations.

EUCARE Fearless Together. www.eu-care.net https://learn.eu-care.net/

EUCARE: The Community Awareness Resilience Education (C.A.R.E.) for Europe project (EUCARE) is co-funded by the European Union through the Internal Security Fund.



An informative one-pager about how to speak to children about traumatic events like war, and other imminent threats.



Ohel presents: Coping with Sari, Ori and Bananas! A puppet show for children to help them process their feelings about the war, in collaboration with Sari Kapnitikoff of That Jewish Moment.

Dr. Peryl Agishtein
Dr. Peryl Agishtein

Pediatric Clinical Neuropsychologist, Ohel

7 tips and tools for parents when addressing sirens, air raids and safe rooms for their children.

 Tzivy Reiter
Tzivy Reiter

Director of Ohel's Children's & National Trauma Services

Practical suggestions to help your young children cope with the war in Israel, by Ohel.

 Bracha Rupp
Bracha Rupp

LCSW, South Florida Trauma Coordinator

Parenting a lone soldier is a unique experience and hard to describe. So unique, that when typing “parent of lone soldier” into Google, Israel is the only nation that shows up. Which means that the only other people in the world that understand what you are going through are other parents of lone soldiers in the IDF.

The following document provides helpful tips to help you cope as a parent, brought to you by Ohel.

 Tzivy Reiter
Tzivy Reiter

Director of Ohel's Children's & National Trauma Services

Practical suggestions to help your children cope with the war in Israel, by Ohel.



Discover your inner strength with the Resilience Fairy! 🧚‍♀️✨ Join us in this fun video for kids and adults to learn about the BASIC PH resilience model – a superpower for coping with stress and anxiety! 💪🚀 B = Belief A = Affect S = Social I = Imagination C = Cognition Ph = Physiology Unleash your inner hero now! 

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Especially for times of war, when in Israel and Jewish communities around the world the ongoing threats bring high levels of stress with them, Natal offers plenty of resources to cope with the stress buildup and help in relaxation.
The documents included in this Best Practice:

  • How to Calm Children, and Adolescents during Times of Stress
  • The Animal Superpower Game
  • Self-soothing in 8 steps
  • Family Relaxation Exercise

Israeli National Resilience Institute
Israeli National Resilience Institute


Local Community Emergency Teams (CETs) work closely with rescue forces. During interventions, these teams are exposed, in real time, to the difficult sights and situations that individual victims, families, and communities are experiencing. CETs serve with a high level of dedication, social responsibility, and humanitarianism.
These helpers are vulnerable to situations outside their control and are at risk for various types of danger. The impacts range across a spectrum from secondary traumatic stress syndrome (the costs they pay), to posttraumatic growth (the “benefits”).
The scientific literature we reviewed emphasized the need to appoint a team member to support the rescue workers in the field through prompt, preventive interventions. It is important for a designated person to provide responses to the teams’ needs, and strive to reduce risks, burnout, and secondary traumatization among the helpers.
In light of this need, the Ministry of Social Affairs has decided to add a new position to the Community Emergency Teams: a CET supporter.

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Smadar Spearman
Smadar Spearman


Providing emotional support via the telephone during emergency situations has become a well-known and accepted method for helping people. In the past, the telephone was seen as an alienating means of communication. Today, however, most people are intimately attached to their smartphones (which are actually mobile personal computers) and can use them to access many services. Asking for assistance via telephone has become legitimate, and is even more common than face-to-face meetings.
This widespread use of mobile phones can be seen as representing the physical and psychological distance between people in the reality of the twenty-first century. At the same time, mobile phones can bring people together during emergencies and in their aftermath, when security and stability have been severely undermined. Phones can also be used to provide assistance to people who were not directly harmed, and facilitate their efforts to restore a sense of equilibrium. Research has proven that using phones to help people in need is effective, simple, and economical in terms of time and emotional energy.
Israeli citizens have used the Ministry of Welfare’s Open Line service frequently, and it has received positive feedback. In the meantime, the threats of war and terrorism continue. This has led to the conclusion that the Open Line should become an official and professionalized service.

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Spanish   Hebrew  
Rabbi Tuvia Brander
Rabbi Tuvia Brander

Young Israel of West Hartford Rabbi
United States

This guidance for Shiva, written by Rabbi Tuvia Brander from the Young Israel of West Hartford, was written in light of the terror attack that killed Elan Ganales z”l, from the West Hartford community. This short guide provides tips for those attending Shiva and can be used by communities at times of a loss of a community member.

Boca Recovery Center
Boca Recovery Center

United States

Drug and alcohol abuse can make depression and mental illness worse, and depression can increase the risk factor for addiction. The reverse is also true, in that addiction can raise the odds for depression.
When addiction and depression are present in the same person at the same time, these disorders are said to be comorbid, or co-occurring. Depression and addiction commonly co-occur, and each condition can complicate the other.
Depression and addiction are complexly intertwined, requiring comprehensive dual diagnosis treatment programs for optimal support. Treatment aims to manage both conditions at the same time, often using both medications and therapies together.

"Combat Antisemitism Movement" and "Fight Online Antisemitism"
"Combat Antisemitism Movement" and "Fight Online Antisemitism"

Reporting antisemitic content on social media networks is easy and anonymous. The account/person who posted the content will not see you reported it.

You can find step-by-step guides to reporting hateful content on the most popular social media platforms in the attached pdf.

Rachel Fish, Ph.D.
Rachel Fish, Ph.D.

Executive Director, Foundation to Combat Anti-Semitism Proud PJ Library Parent Member, PJ Library Nextgen Board

Incidents of antisemitism can occur at unexpected moments and often when we least anticipate them. To experience hostility and discrimination from others because of religion, race, and/or ethnicity is traumatic for adults and children alike, and fear can make it hard to speak up and stand up for oneself. It’s a difficult topic to discuss, and for many of us, navigating this terrain feels daunting and explosive. How do we speak, whether in person or via social media, to family members, close friends, neighbors, acquaintances, and, most importantly, our children about such an ugly and painful subject? What is required for each of us to feel confident to enter this conversation and feel as if we are on sturdy ground?

PJ Library
PJ Library

Let’s face it, no one wants to have to tell their child that there are nasty people in the world who will try to hurt them just for being themselves. We raise our kids to be good people, mensches, to help and accept others, and to do the best they can to treat those around them fairly and with respect.

Johan Tynell
Johan Tynell


Safety and Security Awareness for Children in Schools Presentation by the Copenhagen security experts and educational staff.
For the file in .PPT, please contact us directly at JReady@jafi.org

Dr. Shiri Daniels
Dr. Shiri Daniels

Executive Director of Counseling Eran; Member of JReady's professional committee

Crisis and disaster events can evoke overwhelming emotions: anxiety, anger, uncertainty, helplessness, and a sense of threat to our basic safety and security. In addition, for some the events may provoke earlier traumatic memories from a similar situation and/or intensify preexisting emotional difficulties. Crisis events undermine the sense that we have control over our lives, harm social resilience, and raise levels of anxiety and emotional distress among all of us: children, youth, and adults alike. At times, the emotional overload can paralyze us, leading us to close ourselves off and avoid contact with others. However, talking about our most difficult fears and disturbing thoughts can bring a great sense of relief during times of emotional distress.

Johan Tynell
Johan Tynell


The purpose of ”Alma and the Lockdown Drill” is to explain to young students why we have security at their schools in a simple way, and to explain the procedures of a lockdown. Every school is unique, but the principles of a lockdown are universal. Lockdown drills are designed to allow students and teachers to practice how to barricade themselves inside a classroom. By practicing a lockdown, the students and teachers prepare themselves, so that they would be protected if they were to face an external threat.

The book contains work material and questions that help facilitate a discussion about lockdown procedures which are specific to your school. There are guidelines, both to generate discussion with students and to direct the teacher in how to conduct the drills. Before using the book and its materials, it is important that you know the school’s lockdown procedures. If your school does not have procedures yet, we recommend that you discuss the topic with management and develop your own approach.

Community Stress Prevention Centre
Community Stress Prevention Centre


Simple tool to self-assess levels of stress and anxiety.

Prof. Mooli Lahad
Prof. Mooli Lahad

Founder and President of ICSPC

One of the most important things to do when treating a client suffering from emotional trauma is to create a safe / pleasant, secure under control atmosphere, together with experiencing safety, and control. In every therapeutic process it is important to create the feeling of safety as part of the therapy relationship. However, in order to help a client who suffers from sudden acute anxiety, it is especially important to actively “teach” him how to create a safe/ pleasant place and to enhance the feeling of control of the level of anxiety.

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