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Maian Rahvalschi

Senior Shlicha at The Associated: Jewish Federation of Baltimore

How to create experiential Israel education for all ages, Nazism in Harry potter-  A comparison run through between History and fantasy.
Available in:
English , Hebrew

Maian is a Senior Shlicha at The Associated: Jewish Federation of Baltimore.

She started her journey with Jewish and Israel education many years ago, many of them through the Jewish Agency.

After finishing High-school, Maian joined the IDF as an Educational NCO in the Israeli Navy training base, educating soldiers on the history of the Navy, the IDF, and the land of Israel.

Before her current role, Maian worked for three years as a summer camp and Shlichut coordinator for the summer Shlichim program. She graduated B.Ed. in Informal Education with honors and has acquired a teaching certificate in Israel (and Jewish) culture for Junior and High schools from Beit Berl College in Israel. In addition, she holds a certificate and an M.A. in Israel Education from George Washington University in a joint program with the iCenter, focusing on Israel education, Jewish education, and experiential education.

Maian took part in four summers of Shlicut as an Israel culture counselor in day camps, and two years as an Israel fellow, and a summer in Australia through the Zionist seminars.

Maian lectures on the following topics:

  • How to create experiential Israel education for all ages
  • Nazism in Harry potter-  A comparison run through between History and fantasy.