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Eliot Goldstein

Senior Vice President for Institutional Advancement at the Shalom Hartman Institute

Eliot was the Executive Director for Global Resource Development at the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC or JOINT). His professional background is international development serving in key leadership roles focused on strengthening Jewish life and providing humanitarian assistance in the former Soviet Union, Europe, Latin America and enhancing the social service innovation arena in Israel. His professional background is international development serving in key leadership roles focused on strengthening Jewish life and providing humanitarian assistance in the former Soviet Union, Europe, Latin America and enhancing the social service innovation arena in Israel. Eliot earned a graduate degree in Nonprofit Management at the Wagner School of Public Service of New York University as a Wexner Graduate Fellow. He received his Bachelor’s degree in Near Eastern Studies and Hebrew Literature from the University of Michigan. Eliot’s community and educational background provided the foundation for his commitment to the Jewish community. He was raised in the Habonim Dror Labor Zionist youth movement and continues to be involved in a lay capacity with various Jewish educational and leadership initiatives including M2: Institute for Experiential Jewish Education, the LA Pincus Fund for Jewish Education and the Hand-in-Hand Bi-Lingual School in Jerusalem. Eliot lives in Jerusalem with his wife, Rebecca Bardach and three children.

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